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ISSN Print: 2152-5080
Статьи, принятые к публикации
A novel probabilistic transfer learning strategy for polynomial regression
Wyatt Bridgman, Uma Balakrishnan, Reese E. Jones, Jiefu Chen, Xuqing Wu, Cosmin Safta, Yueqin Huang, Mohammad Khalil
Wyatt Bridgman
Uma Balakrishnan
Reese E. Jones
Jiefu Chen
Xuqing Wu
Cosmin Safta
Yueqin Huang
Mohammad Khalil
Variance-based sensitivity of Bayesian inverse problems to the prior distribution
John Darges, Alen Alexanderian, Pierre Gremaud
John Darges
Alen Alexanderian
Pierre Gremaud
Extremes of vector-valued processes by finite dimensional models
Hui Xu, Mircea D. Grigoriu
Hui Xu
Mircea D. Grigoriu
Learning a class of stochastic differential equations via numerics-informed Bayesian denoising
Zhanpeng Wang, Lijin Wang, Yanzhao Cao
Zhanpeng Wang
Lijin Wang
Yanzhao Cao
Covariance estimation using h-statistics in Monte Carlo and multilevel Monte Carlo methods
Sharana Kumar Shivanand
Sharana Kumar Shivanand
Bayesian Parameter Inference for Partially Observed Diffusions using Multilevel Stochastic Runge-Kutta Methods
Pierre Del Moral, Shulan Hu , Ajay Jasra, Hamza Ruzayqat, Xinyu Wang
Pierre Del Moral
Shulan Hu
Ajay Jasra
Hamza Ruzayqat
Xinyu Wang
Maximizing Regional Sensitivity Analysis indices to find sensitive model behaviors
Sebastien Roux, Patrice Loisel, Samuel Buis
Sebastien Roux
Patrice Loisel
Samuel Buis
Measuring inputs-outputs association for time-depending hazard models under safety objectives using kernels
Matieyendou LAMBONI
Matieyendou LAMBONI
Edgar Jaber, Vincent Chabridon, Emmanuel Remy, Michaël Baudin, Didier Lucor, Mathilde Mougeot, Bertrand Iooss
Edgar Jaber
Vincent Chabridon
Emmanuel Remy
Michaël Baudin
Didier Lucor
Mathilde Mougeot
Bertrand Iooss |
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